Embrace the Art of Smart OT

Bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds by embracing advanced OT solutions in an intelligent, secure, and efficient way. It's not just about upgrading; it's about enabling your facility to leverage data, automation, and connectivity, paving the way to becoming more agile, efficient, and competitive. In today's digital age, we are your steadfast companions, prioritizing your plant's unique needs and crafting solutions that breathe life into your entire operational technology landscape. The end goal is to empower your facility for peak performance and set you up for optimal success. Discover the full potential of your industrial plant by unlocking the brilliance of smart OT.

Cybersecurity analyst plugs a cable into a Industrial Control System Security Platform.

Industrial Cybersecurity

Begin your journey with a cybersecurity risk assessment to understand your vulnerabilities and plan for effective risk management. We'll work with you to right-size your security approach to fit your manufacturing needs, risk level, and budget. Together, we'll strengthen your networks, servers, endpoints, and applications to ensure uninterrupted operation, resilience, and safety. Our toolkit includes team training to ensure the safety of your entire organization. With a focus on robust security measures, fortified OT security, and top-tier infrastructure, we're committed to defending your networks and securing your servers.

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One employee works on an edge device while another monitors the network from a control panel.

Networking & Virtualization

In large industrial facilities, a reliable network ensures seamless operations, and flexibility allows for easy adaptability to ever-evolving needs. Using our mastery of network design, implementation, and support expertise, we deliver solutions to ensure all of your critical systems are optimized and maintained. It's about achieving the performance you expect and having confidence in the reliability and security of your network from day one. Take it a step further with our software-defined networking services to simplify and strengthen your network.

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Technical expert reviews the hardware on a server.

Data Management & Recovery

Data management and recovery lie at the heart of your industrial operations' reliability, and the stakes are high. Our team helps you implement cutting-edge data management systems that automatically tie your assets together and create a single source to store, manage, and safeguard your invaluable information. Having a robust data management system and a bulletproof backup procedure can help you ensure that critical data is safeguarded against unexpected events like system failures, cyber-attacks, unforgiving natural disasters, and more.

An operational technology employee standing next to several ICS security tools.

OT Support & Resource Augmentation

Plant resiliency starts with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges industrial facilities face. You need a team that can manage the infrastructure starting with the age and health of your systems. Our team of experts knows the nuances of both IT and OT environments and will implement the activities necessary for your facility to operate uninterrupted. Gain access to our dedicated OT professionals, whose experience runs deep when it comes to troubleshooting and maintaining your complex operational technology systems. Put procedures in place to quickly address staffing gaps and ensure that operations are flowing smoothly.

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Solution Spotlight Scalable Digital Solutions for Manufacturing Excellence

Interstates understands the complexities IT/OT leaders face—disconnected systems, data silos, cybersecurity threats, and inefficient processes. Our digital transformation solutions bridge these gaps, providing real-time insights, streamlined operations, and enhanced productivity. By partnering with us, these challenges can be tackled head-on to drive sustainable growth. Are you ready to transform your facility? Learn how Interstates can help today.

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three people in PPE in a manufacturing setting looking at screens and smiling

Proven Process Guide Secure Your Future: The Cybersecurity Blueprint

There may be hidden cyber threats lurking in your plant, and a pivotal step in helping find those threats: a cybersecurity assessment. This thorough evaluation not only uncovers potential dangers but also guides you in strengthening your critical infrastructure. Let our expertise tailor a robust, enduring security framework that meets your unique needs, ensuring a future-proof defense against evolving cyber challenges.

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A Interstates employee monitoring the networking while another employee works on a skid.

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