What is Digital Transformation?

Industry 4.0. Smart manufacturing. Digital transformation. Whatever you’ve heard it called, it all represents a shift in how we operate. It's using innovative technology to connect production machines, devices, sensors, and people to improve operations. Digital transformation brings this capability to the forefront of everything you do to fully automate and streamline processes and provide you with rich digital information—so you can make smarter decisions backed by real data.

Why It Matters The Power of Progress

As technology advances by the second, facilities that don’t embrace it get outpaced by companies that do. With automation and analytics technology, you can mitigate hardware obsolescence, lower security risks, and stay productive even during overwhelming workforce shortages. It’s the most powerful way to stay competitive in today’s digital age.

Drive operations. Enhance technology.

The digital shift has changed how we operate—for the better. When done correctly, digital transformation unlocks once unforeseen value across the entire production environment. It eliminates data silos, improves production, enhances assets, reduces unplanned downtime, tightens cybersecurity, and optimizes operations. It’s how you’ve always should have been operating—now achievable.

Our Process Unlocking Your Digital Transformation Journey

Going through digital transformation alone can be complex and confusing. Choosing to work with a qualified partner can expedite the process. Why choose us? No matter where you are in your journey, we will meet you there. We provide the expertise and personnel to guide you through every step without any hand-offs to other companies or confusion about who to contact. Here’s what to expect at every stage of your digital transformation with Interstates.

Three experts conduct an audit.

1 | Discover and Assess

We'll begin by understanding your plant’s current operations and technology. This happens by asking important questions and gathering crucial information. With these answers at hand, we will work together with you to set clear goals for your digital transformation.

2 | Strategize and Plan

A successful digital transformation is carefully planned, gradually implemented, and strongly supported by collaborators. Interstates collaborates with you to understand total investment, implementation, and internal processes to ensure the smartest choices are made and achieved.

Two men looking at data and a pie chart on screen.

3 | Implement and Integrate

Leveraging our expertise, we specialize in integrating and optimizing connections between multiple complex areas. From connecting and securing digital solutions to enhancing performance and adding intelligence through data analytics, we seamlessly manage these processes to ensure a smooth and successful experience for your organization.

Two employees work on a tablet.

4 | Optimize and Enhance

Through an ongoing partnership, we concentrate on enhancing and optimizing your digital systems for peak efficiency. By analyzing operational data and gathering feedback, we pinpoint areas of improvement and offer tailored recommendations. Through continuous communication and collaboration, we keep you updated on the latest industrial trends and technologies.

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Ready to Transform?

Interstates is ready to help you see a more successful future—now. Contact us to start the conversation on how digital transformation can bring greater efficiency and productivity to your facility.

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