Oilseed Processing Project

Interstates supported one of their oilseed processing clients with electrical design and construction, along with providing leadership and expertise throughout the commissioning and start-up phases. The new processing plant will replace the aged crush facility on-site and increase the volume of raw soybean oil they can supply to its refinery. Interstates played a pivotal role in delivering this project successfully, fighting against material-related delays with prefabrication and innovative scheduling methods.
Key Scope Components
- Effective communication and strong relationships helped move the project forward. The foundation of trust and cooperation between Interstates and the client was pivotal. This allowed our team to get ahead of issues, resolve them, and have a plan in place in case similar problems happen in the future.
- Delays in receiving critical equipment and materials significantly impacted the project schedule. Interstates leveraged several solutions to keep the project on schedule despite these delays. Whiteboard planning, 3D modeling, and prefabrication were integral to streamlining operations.
- With the client’s well-developed “drive to zero” safety program and Interstates’ long-standing commitment to a zero-injury culture, this project maintained an impressive safety record. The group’s commitment to safety helped build trust and enhance the overall safety culture on-site.