South Fort Collins Sanitation District Project

Aerial view of a wastewater treatment plant.

Due to the continual growth in Fort Collins, the South Fort Collins Sanitation District (SFCSD) needed to double its capacity from 3 MGD to 6 MGD to handle current wastewater flows and still have future capacity. To accomplish this goal, several processes were added or modified. Most notably, the existing digester basin was modified and changed into an ATAD (Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion) digester to improve the facility’s solids handling to be able to produce Class A biosolids when paired with new rotary drum thickeners. A new step feed aeration basin and blower building were also added, along with a new secondary clarifier and an additional UV system for added liquids handling.

Key Scope Components

  • Identified several electrical design changes that saved the client more than $500,000, allowing them to add scope to the project and extend the project schedule.
  • Coordination with Xcel Energy, the utility provider, to replace the existing utility transformer with a larger 2000KVA unit to feed two new switchboards and two new MCCs for the new processes.
  • Multiple successful 3 a.m. shutdowns to complete gear tie-ins during low flows into the facility

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