Consumer Products Manufacturing Project

Interstates provided a new virtualization stack for a large consumer products manufacturing client and assisted them with transitioning their data to the new system. Our customer was using an aging virtual infrastructure that had reached the end of its useful life. They could not meet expansion needs because hardware vendors no longer supported their installed equipment, and they couldn’t add capacity.
Key Scope Components
First, we completed an assessment to measure current usage and had a conversation about their future growth plans so we could correctly size a replacement solution. Using this information, we designed and priced hardware for a new solution. Our estimating team helped us package the hardware, software, and labor requirements into a complete solution proposal for the site. We shipped hardware directly to the site and then traveled to the site to configure and install the new hardware. Once the new platform was operational, we assisted with migrating their data from the old platform to the new one. The data migration was completed with no downtime while the site was still operational.