April's Career Journey

Explore April's career journey, beginning as a recruiter and later transitioning to a project coordinator role. Gain valuable insights into her background, the reasons behind her career switch, and the advice she offers to individuals seeking a change. This video provides an insightful perspective on how Interstates guides and supports team members throughout their career journeys.
How did you start your career with Interstates?
So, I started as a recruiter, and I was primarily recruiting for what used to be called Interstates Control Systems. So, a lot of technical people with technical backgrounds is where I was focused. And then, as we became one Interstates, I got promoted to Senior Recruiter and was focused more on helping in different areas, along with still focusing on the control systems group. It was around then that I started getting exposed to a lot of the different career types that were in Interstates, and one of them that kept catching my eye was Project Coordinator. And that just seemed to really fit how my mind works. I like scheduling and deadlines and having kind of black-and-white areas to work in, even though you're sitting in the gray a little bit.
So, I started talking with Kent Heronimus and Erica Roth about that type of a position. Looked into it, kept looking into it, did a little bit more research, and then I actually met with Jeff Miller and talked about a specific role that was posted just to see if that felt like it was something that I would want to do longer term. After talking with Jeff, I decided that was something I wanted to pursue, so I put my application in and went through the interview process. I met with Jeff White and Travis Noteboom to talk a little bit more about the position because that's who I would be working directly with. And got offered the job a short while after that and started making the transition.
How is your new role going?
There's been a lot of positives with this transition. There's always that learning curve, which I find exciting. I like learning new things and digging into different areas just to grow my own knowledge base. Getting to develop really close relationships with customers has been really nice for me. I always enjoyed that part in recruiting, but they were always such short-lived relationships because it was just through that hiring process on the front end. So now I am getting to build long-lasting relationships with people outside of Interstates and continue to do work with them over time.
Feel like I have been able to grow in leadership a little bit more. Helping other people out and helping them grow, focusing more on other people's careers, and doing career journey with a couple individuals to help them understand where they can grow and help them find the next steps to take as well.
What advice do you have for others who may be thinking of a change?
To have the conversations. I feel like a lot of people are taught you can't show unhappiness in what you're doing because you might get fired or you might be without a job. And that's just not true at all with Interstates. If you have those conversations, your leader, your delivery leader, your career journey coach they should be helping you to find ways to fill those buckets and helping you push that. But it's up to you to ultimately start those conversations.