Dollar General Project

Interstates provided Design-Build solutions for the new 1,100,000-square-foot Dollar General distribution facility in Blair, NE, which will support more than 1,500 stores in the Midwest with dry and fresh goods. Despite various delays and setbacks, Interstates displayed flexibility and resourcefulness to meet Dollar General’s goals and set them up to receive product on schedule.
Key Scope Components
- Prefabrication was used to keep the project on schedule when soil issues, harsh weather, and supply chain delays caused early setbacks on the project.
- Delays in the project allowed the client time to revisit the plans for the project and expand the size of the facility. Interstates was able to quickly respond to changes through collaboration, quick thinking, and flexibility.
- Design-Build benefited the client by having one source of solutions and guidance, saving time and money by avoiding rework and coordination issues.