Enhanced Visibility with Loop Monitoring

Your plant utilizes loops to control pressure, temperature, speed, and more. When operating properly, these loops increase safety and efficiency, but how can you know if your loops are working correctly? Interstates’ PID Loop Monitoring solution monitors the performance of an enterprise fleet of industrial process control loops. It detects and identifies underperforming control loops and helps diagnose problems.

The Importance of Properly Tuned Control Loops

Reduced Energy Consumption

Properly tuned control loops take less time to react to input changes, reducing the energy lost due to transitions.

Improved Product Quality

By holding controls to tighter boundaries, properly tuned control loops have fewer fluctuations and variations, resulting in improved product quality.

Increased Output

Properly tuned control loops spend less time achieving the optimal state, resulting in fewer alarms while increasing product output.

Increased Yield

Properly tuned control loops can minimize overshooting, resulting in increased yield.

Solutions to Optimize Your Operations

Individual pointing over the shoulder of another individual to something on a computer screen

Turn Information Into Action

Suboptimal control loops can directly impact equipment reliability and operational performance. Our PID Loop Monitoring solution alerts you about the performance of control loops so actions may be taken to optimize them.

Three individuals looking and collaborating about data.

Get in the Loop

If you don’t have a solution that alerts you when your control loops go out of limits or fail to communicate properly, your processes and equipment will suffer. PID Loop Monitoring provides a clear visual to help you control your loops and observe issues, sending notifications when a control loop goes out of limits. Alerts help you manage the performance of your control loops, boosting equipment reliability and longevity.

Two individuals with hard harts on, pointing to a screen and making adjustments to the program

Utilize Historical Data

Historical information on the performance of your control loops can tell you a lot about your equipment and processes, but only if you know how to use it. Our solution gathers this information about loop performance to help you track equipment wear over time and give you insight into the health of your facility. Receiving reports at regular intervals on the overall health of your control loops allows you to detect and predict problems, ultimately enhancing the performance of your equipment.

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